Friday, December 5, 2008

My Father's Daughter...

I am my father's daughter.

So I decided to be in the holiday spirit & put up christmas lights on my sliding glass doors. I dont have special hooks to keep them straight... so I went to it with a roll of clear packing tape. It took my over half an hour & half a roll of tape (because each light had to be exactly straight) but when it was done I felt very festive & accomplished. I turned them on and went about my business...

The next night I drove by (out of my way) just to see if the lights looked good from the road... YOU COULDN'T SEE THEM! The stupid metal frame on the doors was blocking them, so it just looked like my door had a halo around it, NOT lights. Grr!

I had taped them to the door frame thinking you could see them, the metal frame on the glass is only an inch wide. Apparently that inch made all the difference, and I was very angry with myself for not taking that into account! Anywho, it took me a few days to build up the desire to RE-DO the work, but I did last night, and they are beautiful, straight, and visible from 256th. My fix: I taped em directly to the window & the metal frame around it. What an ordeal.

Tonight... I tackle the Christmas Tree!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it,
And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts,
But only how did you take it?

You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that?
Come up with a smiling face.
It's nothing against you to fall down flat,
But to lie there -- that's disgrace.
The harder you're thrown, why the higher you bounce;
Be proud of your blackened eye!
It isn't the fact that you're licked that counts,
It's how did you fight -- and why?

And though you be done to the death, what then?
If you battled the best you could,
If you played your part in the world of men,
Why, the Critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
And whether he's slow or spry,
It isn't the fact that you're dead that counts,
But only how did you die?

-Edmund Vance Cooke

Friday, October 17, 2008


Dude, its 6pm on a Friday night. What am I still doing at work???


My poor kitty is gonna hate me tomorrow. I took her to the vet today to get fixed (lets hope this one is for REAL) and to get her shots and whatnot. ANYWHO- she DID NOT like the car. She didn't scream at me too much (only when we turned corners) but she was shaking like a leaf... poor thing. :( I know its necessary, but still...

whatev, all is well that ends with a tube tied kitty

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Content to Bore

Its Saturday night, and I'm at home eating & reading a book (Reading the Abhorsen trilogy again). You would think that being a single, nice, somewhat attractive, young 26 year old woman I would be out on the town or doing something with my friends. Yet I'm totally happy to sit at home and watch a show or read a book in my PJ's. Does that make me a loser? Cuz I dont think so... and I know I'm not the only one. When I'm at home alone, or with a close friend, I can just be me, and be content.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9 Years

Amazing how many things can happen in 9 years. October 7th will be 9 years. It seems like a lifetime, and barely a blink at the same time. So much has been missed, and so much has been gained. Experiences both good, bad, happy & sad. So much has happened that there are too many events to count or attempt to remember.

It doesn't rhyme, but it sounds good with the music I wrote for it.

In my dreams I see your smile
I watch you run and play.
Your laugh; its contagious
I only wish that I could hear it.

I just want to tell you that I think of you,
every moment, every moment of my waking hours.
I only wish that you could feel it.

Now there you are,
You've grown so beautiful.
Your smile still lights the room.
I only wish that I could see it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hair Hair Everywhere

Why is it SO hard to grow your hair out? I used to have crazy long hair, now I get sick of it as soon as it hits my shoulders. It never does what I want it to? :( Stupid hair. Remember the uuber long hair? Man that took FOREVER To dry and style. Maybe I'm too old for super long hair anyways...

Monday, September 22, 2008


Mom makes a good observation that I seem to be missing a very important location in my life... "its called a Library" ;) That made me laugh a lot.

Touche Mom & good call. I will never claim that my compulsion to BUY every book I want to read is a "sane" endeavor. LOL! Perhaps I'm working on my Private Library... My friends do get quite a lot of use out of the Library O' Darci.

PS- Steph, remind me next time you come up to bring you The Host. I keep forgetting.


Audrea/Andie/Audie and I are going to Hawaii in March! YAY! Thanks go completely to Dennis & Elaine for moving out there and giving us a free place to eat and sleep! I never get out for real adult people vacation. It seems like I go to weddings, funerals, and Reunions…nothing totally just for fun. Well, here it is kids! 6 months to save money & lose the excess weight I’ve gained recently. Dennis fly’s a TON so he’s gonna give us some of his miles & get us a good deal on a flight. Yippee! Sun & Surfing here we come (Its ok Andie, I will Body Board with you too if you prefer that to surfing)!

Friday, September 19, 2008


I finally got my car back from the body shop! Yay! No more ginormous Ford Taurus Gas Guzzling Automatic! It took almost 2 whole weeks cuz they had issues with some parts they orders (suuuure). Anywho I went to pick it up today & they couldn't figure out how much my deductable was, one form said $500, one said $400 and another said $100. Every time I spoke with my Allstate rep they told me $100, so the guy called Allstate to make sure we did the right amount. Here's the fun part... The claim adjuster put him on hold forever, then came back and said I didn't owe ANYTHING. I guess I qualified for Allstate Good Driver Rewards... Since it was the other guys fault I still qualify, also it was an un-insured motorist (which put the decuct. down to $100), they waived the $100 as the good driver reward.

I think the universe decided to cut me a break & be my friend for the day! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Novel Aspirations

I laid out a very very general plot outline for the book I want to write. I figure I love to read, and I love to write, and, per my mom, have a very vivid imagination when writing (Inside joke, tee hee). I'm still working on some sort of plot catch or twist that would make people want to read it. I don't actually plan on trying to get it published, I'm nowhere near that good at writing, but who can honestly say that they have written a BOOK. So I'm working for the next few months developing good character personalities & relationships.

I'm hoping I will get a laptop for Christmas, or something, because I would like to be able to write comfortably. Sitting at my dinner table in my uncomfortable wooden chair for any extended period of time just doesn't inspire me into action. So for now, its outlines & such. I figure if I develop my story for the next few months I should be able to actually start the writing portion this winter. That's the plan at least. It is always nice to have something worthwhile to do in your spare time. Reading is a good past time, but I read so quickly that its becoming expensive, since I buy each book in order to read it.

I may be crazy, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something interesting. Maybe I will let people read parts of it, maybe not. It all depends on how bad it stinks... I may be too embarrassed to show anyone. I may be so bad at it that I refuse to even continue, OR, I could be good at it. Who knows until you try right?!

Weird Williams Family Gathering topics & events...

I have come to realize that there are many things that we do, as a family, that arent quite in the realm of normal.

Weird Williams Family Gathering topics & events.

1: Talking about books & Authors for hours on end
2: Reading trivia cards to eachother "just for fun"
3: Making up OUR OWN trivia questions about random family topics.
4: Trying to name theh capital of every state, from memory.
5: Having a "pre-pack inspection" prior to a Hiking trip.
6: Sending out a packing list prior to a Camping trip (down to the last detail).
7: An extended family news letter every month.
8: An odd obsession with "Quality Volleyball" time.
9: Somehow the topic of "Firefly" (the TV series) comes up at almost every
gathering. Then Debating the reality of the show & preference for charactors.
10: Allen's unbending refusal to watch the movie "Rudy".

... Help me out & send me more quirks & topics to add to this list. I know there is much much more!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 15, 2008


No fun! The power went out at my work today (which is normally a fun thing). Apparently they say the entire city of Tukwilla was out. Weird. Anywho, I lost all my work & then had to re-do it all. Once I was done, I started on another task & the power went out AGAIN, and I lost that task. Apparently I dont hit SAVE enough! OK, I get the message! ... SAVE is my new best friend.
Also, somehow I hoarded in on another departments lunch... oops. I was talking to 3 people from the CC/Sales dept while we were standing outside (we evacuated when the power went out, WHY we evacuated is beyond me), when a Boss-man told us all to take an hour break & come back later to see if the power was on.

So there we stood, when we started talking about where to go for lunch, someone said "Torrero's" and off we went. Noone thought to mention to me that it was not just the 4 of us... we got to the restaurant and their WHOLE DEPT was there. I figured they just all decided to go to lunch. We ate, talked, & laughed about a horrible big-wig-guy that was fired that morning (Good times). When the check came, I was expecting my own bill. but ONE bill went to LJO. When people started thanking her it dawned on me that I looked like a total mooch. Oy. I appologized for crashing their party & asked if I could pay my portion. She turned me down cuz the company was paying... but still, I felt like a clod.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here Goes

My first ever blog. How the heck do people have time to write blogs? I guess I will find out. Normally I hate getting on the computer at home... Shoot... I sit in front of one for 8-10 hours a day at work... anymore time in front of the blazing screen & I might go cross-eyed!!!!!!

OK. Let see if I keep this up or not.