Friday, July 29, 2011

Family Reunion 2011

I had such a wonderful time with my family this last week. Amazing how vast and varied my family is. I appreciate every one of them! They all have such amazing talents and gifts, and I am very glad I was able to see them all! I wish I had been able to spend more time with each person individually... but then the reunion would have to be a few weeks long... Hmmm. That sounds nice.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Boring Old ME =D

Apparently I am a slacker. I really have not kept up on this blog!! I suppose when you life is as boring as mine there isn’t much to write about.

Lets see… my most recent volleyball season is over, which is a bummer, but I will play again next fall. I was playing with a co-ed team, in the “competitive” Kent City league. I find it amusing that I am the only girl on my team. The Renton league requires 2 girls to be on the court at all times, they play best of 3 games, on a women’s height net. In Kent we only need one girl, we play the best of 5 games, and on a men’s height net. For those of you who don’t know; the Williams genes do not include “hops”. Its pretty fun thought to get to play so many games; it is much needed exercise for me.

I have recently gotten sucked into the Enders Game book series. I put off reading them for years (even though they are my brother’s favorite books) because I don’t usually like science fiction books. I have read all 4 of the Enders series, and am 1 book into the Ender’s Shadow series, which is a companion series. I find that I have a hard time reading singular books of late. I read them so quickly that even though the story is wrapped up and complete… I feel disappointed because there isn’t another book for me to move on to!

Any book series suggestions are welcome. If you have a goodreads account – look me up “Darcikim”.

That’s is really all of the rambling that I can do for today. I guess my blog is more of a place for me to think out loud, rather than keep people up to date on my life (since it is always the same). So it may be boring to most of you. J