Amazing how many things can happen in 9 years. October 7th will be 9 years. It seems like a lifetime, and barely a blink at the same time. So much has been missed, and so much has been gained. Experiences both good, bad, happy & sad. So much has happened that there are too many events to count or attempt to remember.
It doesn't rhyme, but it sounds good with the music I wrote for it.
In my dreams I see your smile
I watch you run and play.
Your laugh; its contagious
I only wish that I could hear it.
I just want to tell you that I think of you,
every moment, every moment of my waking hours.
I only wish that you could feel it.
Now there you are,
You've grown so beautiful.
Your smile still lights the room.
I only wish that I could see it.
What Remy is up to
7 years ago